Hello again!
I'm sorry I have been so absent for the last few weeks. Just two days after my last post we returned home to find water gushing into our house from (uninsured) neighbour nextdoor.

Everything on the ground floor was completely ruined and destroyed. We couldn't believe what we were looking at, there were ceilings on the floor and as they fell they had taken kitchen cupboards and shelves with them.

We were literally wading through water in the living room and kitchen. We couldn't keep the kids there so we contacted our insurers and they arranged for us to stay in a hotel while the necessary works were carried out on our house.
And there we stayed for weeks, every school day I bundled the kids into the car and drove for 40 minutes to get them to their school.

We moved back home about 2 weeks ago now, finally got the internet reconnected yesterday.

The difference in the house is immense!

Remember that new kitchen I was dreaming of? Well, it's here! The redecorating? All done for us. New carpets, sofas. Even a new fireplace!

Despite it being such an ordeal, we are grateful and viewing the whole thing as a blessing in disguise. The water really did ruin just about everything, if not the water itself then the sheer humidity afterwards dampened everything causing mould. All of our clothes had to be thrown away because of this. For us to save up and complete the works we wanted, it would've taken years probably. And here we are about 8 weeks after my last post with the works complete. Well, excpet the garden - that's been bumped up the list of priorities now though.

So anyway, that's why I've been away. I got my mixers back yesterday so I'll be putting those to good use very soon!

Thanks for reading.
Lots of Love
K xox
Hello. How are you today?

A week ago today I turned 27. TWENTYSEVEN!! That's only 3 short years away from 30. THIRTY!!!!!!

But, as stunned as I felt to be turning 27 I got to thinking about what I've experienced and done with my life up to now. Funny how birthdays make you do that isn't it? Evaluate your life. 

Here's what I came up with anyway. 

1) I met and married my best friend. Shaun and I were very close friends before making the transition to being a couple. We met in 2003, coupled up in 2004 and got married in 2005. This April will mark 8 years together. Growing up I said I would not contemplate getting married or having babies before the age of 25. I was 20 when we married, Shaun was just 18. Looking back, we should absolutely have waited, in fact I'd say it's lucky that we're so good together. We were so young and things could have gone so differently (although there was obviously no doubt in our minds, even at that age).  On the 17th September 2005 a rather wet and windy day, we married. Six months to the day that our surprise arrived.


2) That surprise came in the form of Sophie-Leigh. Our daughter, arriving 5 weeks early and yet still weighing in at 7lbs 3ozs. A perfect little pink girl. She is a handful at times (aren't all kids?), but she is a pleasure to parent. My precious baby girl will be turning 7 in about 5 weeks - no longer a baby after all. She is beautiful and clever and wants to be just like Mummy when she grows up! Scrumptious!
An awful lot of growing up was done throughout my pregnancy and also the months that followed. In fact, in some respects I still have a lot of growing up to do. My husband has nailed it but I often find it easier to sink back into childhood memories and stay there a while - being an adult is hard! Being a parent is hard! But both have their rewards if you put in the work and are patient. 


3) Sixteen and a half months later saw the arrival of her little brother, Rio Michael. It's a shame I have no baby photo's of theirs on this laptop as they would have been much more appropriate for this blog post but never mind. Rio arrived at 39+6 gestation on 3rd July 2006 and weighed in at 8lbs 6ozs. He was a good baby and is a good boy still. Mostly. He has his moments. He is loving and cuddly and delicious! He says things that are way beyond his years, for example... "Mummy, if you can climb the first step, then you can climb any step in the world."

How deep is that? For a 5 year old I was suitably stunned. For me it's one of those things that I could type out, print out and frame it. In fact I just might and hang it in my kitchen, or more appropriately my hallway, which is where he said - on the bottom stair!.


4) And then in another World Cup year, we had our second son, our bundle of giggly babyish wonderfullness! I'd like to emphasize the Fullness. I've never felt so enriched in life as I do when I have my babies around me (and they're behaving...). The 2nd July 2010 at 08:11 and 4 weeks early he screamed into the world and weighed 8lbs 4ozs. Thank goodness he was early! I appear to grow big babies, hmmm. 

I'm having a great time right now watching as he discovers and experiences more and more things for himself. This week he experienced snow! We wrapped him up in his coat, hat, scarf, mitts and wellies and walked him around to the school bus instead of pushing him in his Urban Detour (this pushchair has no problem with snow whatsoever).
I highly doubt there will be more babies for us, I would have more but it would not make financial sense to have babies when you can't afford to give them all the things you want to give them. I'm not too sad, I know I have been INCREDIBLY lucky to have had my 3 healthy darlings without any complications and I am grateful everytime I look at them. 
Although I have been a parent for almost 7 years now, I find my confidence can still be a bit shaky with some things and I find myself looking for reassurance that I'm doing things right. But then I think, I'm actually doing a very good job! My husband and I have kept these children safe, warm, nourished and alive for all this time and will continue to do so.

5) We managed to buy our house, well, we got a mortgage. In 2006 we we granted a small mortgage to buy our first property. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to buy us a house with 3 bedrooms, a garden and a driveway. For now this is enough but one day we would like to move. Shaun would like to move closer to the city and I would like to live out in the country - there must be a compromise somewhere? I want inglenooks, log fires and an Aga, and he wants sleekness and modern living. <sigh> 
We have lots to do in our house, new kitchen needed urgently before the whole lot falls apart. Lots of decorating, kitchen and bathroom first, then our bedroom hopefully, then the hallway, stairs and landing. Not to mention the garden that still isn't done. It WILL get done this year, it has to. I still want a new table.

6) I survived my Dad passing away. I wasn't sure that I could but I did. I was 2800 miles away in The Gambia when my mum told me, I crumbled right then and there in the hotel reception area. I spent the next few days floating somewhere between denial, disbelief and silent grief. I spent a lot of time looking at the stars while I was still in West Africa, wondering and hoping that I had the strength to be there for my Mum, older sister and brother when I got home. We flew home early leaving Sophie and Rio with Shaun's Mum and Dad to finish their holiday. They arrived home a few days later. Shaun will tell you I dealt with my Dads death well but I don't think I dealt with it at all. I had a meltdown at the funeral where I sobbed into my sisters shoulder but once we were out of the crematorium I must've put everything in a little box and locked it all away. Occasionally it creeps up on me when I don't expect it and I have to spend a few minutes gathering my thoughts together again. This year will mark four years without him.

7) I passed my driving test!!! Whoop! My mum got me a brand new lovely bubbly Punto. And I crashed it. Well, I first scraped it on a wall. And then I skidded on black ice whilst trying to stop and help another lady that had done the same. I came out worse. The ice sent me skittling through a farmers fence and was teetering into a ditch. I wasn't hurt luckily but it was a very scary thing to go through and one which my husband mocks me about to this day.

8) I have seen some very memorable sights abroad. One of my favourites being The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. God I love that place, I have been just once and it was for our 4th anniversary in 2009, Shaun had booked it as a surprise and what a wonderful surprise it was. I enjoyed every moment of it! The living statues on Las Ramblas were nothing short of spectacular and a little spooky sometimes. So still you could believe they were stone, and suddenly they'll open their eyes and make you jump.

9) I have suffered the heartbreak that is miscarriage. We had just returned from Barcelona and I was only 5 weeks along. On that very night that we returned, at 9pm I knew. I will not go into too much detail as it is graphically horrendous. I remember sitting there in silence wondering how a day can go from wonderful to horrible in a few hours, that morning we were on our flight home looking forward to seeing Sophie and Rio. 
I was amazed at how fiercely I loved that baby, although scientifically it was merely a collection of cells. To me that was our baby and it was so very much wanted. Up until that point I had taken pregnancy for granted, I'd never had any problems and hadn't expected any. It made me appreciate the sheer fragility of creating a new life, it made me see it for the miracle that it truly is. 

10) I started writing a book, it's still unfinished. I handed out the first few chapters to a few friends and family members back in 2009 to see what they thought and I now find myself being asked to finish it. Maybe I will. One day. I have other things that I want and need to do first. But to me this still classes as an achievement and it gave me much enjoyment when I was writing it.

So this is me, aged 27. There are of course other things that I have achieved like GCSE's and going to college but these are no longer important for me. I may or may not use them in years to come, I know what I want, I know the kind of life I want to lead but I also know the skills I learned at school are nothing compared to the lesson's I still have to learn I'm sure. 
The skills I want to learn now are more practical like sewing, crafting and decorating. I don't want to have to look online or ask someone what is the best way to make curtains, or recover a chair. I want to be the one they come and ask. I want to be able to say "I made that" at whatever item I'm holding or looking at. 

This year is the year. 
I wonder what else this year has in store for me? 
I welcome it's challenge. 

Thank you so much for reading today.
Lots of Love
K xox

Yesterday as you may be aware I posted some new recipes and pictures, 3 in total. 

The response I got was so overwhelming! All in all there were 181 unique visitors to my site, the most ever in a 24 hour period. There were well over 200 page views too so people took the time to have a look around,, which is fantastic!

I'm so proud of this website. I know it's just a hobby but I'm sharing what I love. Ok, it's super clear that I'm no photographer, but at least I try. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single person who visited this site yesterday, or has ever visited it. It really brings a happy smile to my face.

Lots of Love, and thanks for reading,
Kaye xx 
Good afternoon and thank you for visiting my site, please do have a look around.

I've been thinking about Halloween for about a month now and I know I promised to make things and show them on here but I haven't been able to get all the supplies I needed to make them. There were lanterns and all sorts and I'm really disappointed that I can't publish them on here. But I guess there's always Christmas - these will definitely happen as I already have 90% of the stuff in already - this makes me a Happy Kaye!

I've been playing around with the website today and revamped the homepage slightly. I've also added quick links to the Mixing Bowl mainpage too - please take a look and tell me what you think? Nobody ever comments so I never know if people like what they're seeing. I don't bite - if there's something you think needs changing or could be better then pleqas 

It's half term here and the kids have been angels all week so we baked today. We baked chocolate cake and mince pies. 

Tomorrow I'll post the pictures. 

It was messy and fun. They loved baking but they enjoyed eating more! Bless my children, I'm the luckiest Mummy in the world. I wish I could keep them small, they're wonderful.

Right at this moment of writing Rio is snuggled in a sofa blanket watching Curious George, Sophie is drawing a picture of Mickey Mouse and Corey is emptying the boxes on my sideboard. Which I had better go and refill really, little tinker.

Thanks for reading,
Lots of Love
Kaye xox
It might just be me but Autumn only seemed to last a few days this year. Winter is most definitely hiding around the corner. I know weather wise that it's miserably wet and blustery but there's no denying the beauty of this time of year.
Copyright Kaye Dooler

Oranges, greens and browns make Autumn so pretty. 


Mini orangey peach roses and lavender. 

There are slippery leafy Autumn dog walks with the husband, Alaska was here somewhere but she darts around so fast it's pretty difficult to catch a picture of her.


And there are cosy candlelit evenings in. 

I like Autumn as it means Winter is on it's way, bringing Christmas with it. I can't wait for Christmas, I have so many planned things to make with the kids - from paperchains to berry decorations. And of course I'll be posting them on here. 

I think I'm gonna go and bake now, something Halloween'y considering that comes first.

Thank you for reading

Lots of Love
K xx
It's been so long since I posted an update on here, I've no idea where my time seems to evaporate to lately.

I've got a few things waiting in the wings ready to be posted, it's just finding the time to actually get them on here! I am trying, honestly.

Just lately my days seem to be filled with washing, drying, cooking, cleaning, toddler entertaining... There isn't enough hours in the day. Right at this very moment there are 2 baskets of clean washing in the kitchen waiting to be sorted, folded and put away. But there is also dinner to make. Tea to think of. I'm wanting to cook something lovely for my husband for his tea as he is having to work such long hours lately. I can't remember that last time he did a normal working day, like 9am-5pm. His hours are more like 8am-7pm. He barely see's the kids aside from 5 minutes at breakfast time when the kids are mostly arguing over what they want to eat, which bowl they want and then spilling the cereal all over the worktops because they won't wait for me.
We had a bit of a change in tempo this morning however as we were all calm and ready in plenty of time for the school bus. We even did reading books and spellings, got halfway down the driveway on our way and then I suddenly realised I hadn't made their packed lunches! 

Bad Mummy! 

So they have a thrown together lunch today which I feel really bad about, it's usually the first thing I do when I come downstairs. Their lunch consists of jam sandwiches, a small pot of fromage frais, an apple, a juice carton and a packet of crisps. 

I'm always trying (and repeatedly failing) to be better at things. - I try to be better at juggling being mummy to 3 children with being a wife, a cleaner, and me. I'm not sure I even know the real me now. I've focussed on all these other things for so long that I think I've lost a sense of who I am. I used to take pride in dressing nicely and now I tend to stick to comfy jeans and old tops where it doesn't matter if Corey daubs me in chocolate or ketchup. And with regards to shoes. I probably have 2 or 3 pairs. And one of those is currently a pair of boys black school pumps and they are sooooo comfy. I wish they were grey though. I'm certainly not happy with my appearance. I've allowed myself to put weight on using the excuse of having 3 young children. It makes me sad to think I can't just go and join in with other people. My husband came home from work yesterday and suggested we go to Alton Towers with his friend and his girlfriend. I had to decline as I'm much bigger than this girl and I don't want to be embarrassed by being too big for the rides. I'm almost sure I'm over-reacting but still I think I'm borderline too big for the seats (I'm now a huge 3 sizes bigger than before I had children). I'm trying to change that now because it's not on and I can't keep pretending it isn't an issue.

- I try to be better at organising housework, I fail miserably because when I'm ahead I drop out of the routine that got me ahead if that makes sense?
I always get there in the end but it seems to be a nasty vicious circle and I don't want it to feel like that, I want to enjoy my time at home with my lazy little boy. (Lazy because at 15 months he is still not walking). I don't to be relying on the tv/swing/toys to keep him occupied whilst I get on with the piled up chores.

I think I need to read my FLY Lady book again, her methods are common sense and I should already know them, but I have a thing for books. If you need inspiration or cheering up I believe a book can do that. 
My favourite book of the moment is Donna Hay, Fast Fresh Simple. I've had her same titled tv programme on series link recording every weekend. I love it! In the book there are 160+ recipes that are beautiful to look at and look seemingly easy to create. So many lovely things in there I would highly recommend it.

I want to get more into cooking. I don't know whether I'll ever be good enough to create my own recipes but I guess I won't really know that until I meet a recipe that needs adapting for my family, then in a way it becomes my own. Sorta. 
Speaking of food, I want to do something with chicken breast fillets for my husbands tea. I'll have a browse through the Donna Hay book and maybe even take a trip down to the new Asda store that's opened in South Elmsall, as long as it's calmed down that is as it opened yesterday and was utter chaos in there! Might be safer to just walk to local shop.

Right, Corey the lazybaby has woken up I think and I haven't sorted the washing, decided what he and I are having for dinner, or tea for that matter. I could do with changing all the bedding too. *sigh*.
So I really have to go, I'm sorry I don't have more to offer today but I promise it's here waiting. 

Thank you for reading & Take Care,
Lots of love
K xx 
Hello, once again I would like to thank you for visiting my website, even if you don't stay long. At the moment the website isn't very easy to find at all so I've been posting links to new posts on my Twitter and Facebook accounts - as a result people have clicked and arrived here! I hope they like what they read.

It's been a very busy morning here, I've been getting a few recipes onto the site so that when people do actually visit my site there's something for them to see.
Today we have added; truffles, peach cobbler, mini victoria sponge cakes... As well as a couple of family updates and the lovely new corner of my living room.

As I posted in family updates, my sister is in hospital right now and I'm going along to visit her this evening. I want to take some little surprises for her so I'm not going to post them here just yet as it will spoil it. Plus, it'll give me a new recipe to post another day. 

Speaking of other recipes, there are lots that I have written down that I have baked before but not photographed so until I bake them again I don't want to post them. I know I'm kind of a geek but I'm really excited to post more recipes on here for everyone to try. Believe there are lots and I'm always on the lookout for more to try, and also to adapt.

Just you wait until the Christmas season is on fast approach, in fact even Halloween and especially bonfire night. I have a few things that I'm planning and I'll share them with you. In fact, I'll share anything that I make, cook, or bake with you.

Thank you for reading, you don't understand how much it makes my day when people visit me here.
And I love you for it, as cheesy as that sounds.
So thanks again, I'm off to drink my tea and eat my scone.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

Tea and a jam and cream filled scone. Not homemade this time though.

Take Care.Lots of Love,
K x

Good morning everyone, I hope the day finds you well.

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the future, both short and long term. Thinking about the things I'd like to be able to do for my children. I wish I were able to give them everything they want, even though I know this isn't good for them. At least this way they know patience and appreciation I guess. Really I suppose I wish I had the option to get them everything, it doesn't mean I actually have to get all things possible. 
The kids have been so bored these summer holidays, with the exception of our holiday. They're looking forward to going back to school because there's nothing to do at home. I've got to admit that I have really missed my car this summer! I can't take them anywhere, there's only one park where we live and although they love it there isn't much to do there. 
Copyright Kaye Dooler

Good times on the only swing at this park.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

But there is a very lovely fishing pond with friendly ducks to throw bread to.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

I wish I could relieve some of the pressure that is upon my husbands shoulders. shown here at a large family Christmas dinner 2010. 

He's a worrier, and this isn't good for him as it causes stress, stress makes him ill and has landed him in hospital before. He has Crohn's Disease you see and it's very unpleasant for him. Not that you'd know it as he never complains. 

I know it's better for me to be at home looking after my children, but I'm only too aware of everything I'm not doing to support our family financially. To do something from home to earn would be ideal.
Ho Hum... we'll survive, this isn't forever. 

Anyhow, this post is supposed to be about my mindless wonderings of late. 

Christmas has been at the front of my mind all week, I absolutely cannot wait. It's my most favourite time of year, especially if it snows. But this year feels different. I haven't been this excited perhaps since I was a child myself. 

Is it because my family is now complete?
Is it because I have no stress from work?
Is it because my little one will be older this year and able to appreciate Christmas?

I have no idea! But I like it. :)

I have lots of craft things lined up to make for Christmas (and Halloween, and Bonfire Night...). And of course I'll be posting pictures on here too, of how to's. I'm so excited. There's lanterns and recipes, and occasion favours and allsorts!! 

I can't wait to how you. I'm literally having to stop myself from making and posting them now.

I hope you'll pop along to see them. 

The children and I have been thinking about what we would buy if we ever won the lottery. I asked Rio, who said 

"I'd buy you a farmhouse Mummy".

I just melted and squeezed him tight, so thoughtful is my big boy. He listens to the things I say more than his father does. When prompted for something he would buy for himself, he replied;
"A Batman castle, a batman watch and a bike"  S'pose that Christmas sorted for him then!

I asked Sophie what she would buy;

"A Barbie, a watch and a me to you bike"  Again, ideas for Christmas.  

I love that my kids aren't greedy (except with sweet treats), it means that they appreciate the things they get when they're not expecting them. Mostly.

Right, I have to go, it's taken me so long to write this post that it's time to start looking for something to cook for dinner and tea. 

Thank you for reading.
 I wish you a lovely day, please come back soon.

Lots of Love
Kaye xoxox

We were recently on holiday (last week) and whilst we were there I purchased a dark wood wall unit. Perfectly normal to do such a thing, surely? My husband was not best pleased, but he seems to like it. It was an absolute steal at £10 plus £10 delivery charge. 

Anyway, the unit arrived here on Tuesday morning and it is a really beautiful piece of furniture. It has 2 large cupboards at each side of base and 2 drawers in the centre. The top half has a pull down cupboard with a shelf above it which now houses my books. There are two stunning glass doors, (one either side of the pull down) with dark wood beading detail, behind those doors are two glass shelves in each cupboard (I would have preferred wooden shelves but hey, for twenty quid.... I love it. I'm hoping to paint it some as yet undecided shade of pale. Cream perhaps? But not all cream, I want to leave certain parts dark as my vision says it will look brilliant against the pale shade. 

Perhaps even a pale grey colour?

I know Farrow and Ball have fantastic shades and an excellent reputation for this kind of work but I'm not sure my budget (husband) will allow me to use it. We shall see, I haven't even really looked into wood paints yet anyway.

But yes, I have a project. I'm in no rush to complete it as yet though. I have plenty to do before then, like decorate the bathroom and kitchen. Before Christmas if possible as I want to be able to have family round for snacks and treats and drinks. 

I absolutely can't wait until Christmas, only 136 sleeps to go. I'm trying to convince my husband to allow me to cook Christmas dinner for everyone but it's an ongoing uphill struggle as he prefers to eat out for this particular occasion. I'm hoping it will swing my way with the money issue being that there is not as much as has been in previous years. I have to practise too of course. I haven't really cooked for lots of people before, ever. Well...I did cook Christmas dinner one year (years ago...) but it was a serious disaster. We didn't even have a complete kitchen, the hob melted the base pan of my steamer. I'm not going to go on. 
I'm more experienced and that experience will never ever be repeated. I want to cook Christmas dinner dammit. I'm feeling festive and can't wait to trim the tree and bask in the glow of the fairy lights.

(copyright Kaye Dooler)
Yay! I so love having people over, it makes a lovely change to have a normal conversation, with actual adults! We have talked and laughed and drunk coffee and nibbled chocolate caramel pieces and bakewell tarts - as well as eaten pancakes.

The kids have also loved having some friends to play with. I think they get a little bored when it's just me and them.
The picture above is my niece Rachel, and her boyfriend Owen. This was taken at her birthday meal at Mex Cantina in Wakefield.

Anyway, it has been a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I hope to repeat it numerous times in the future.

Thank you for reading, it is most appreciated!
Lots of Love
Kaye xx