Hello, once again I would like to thank you for visiting my website, even if you don't stay long. At the moment the website isn't very easy to find at all so I've been posting links to new posts on my Twitter and Facebook accounts - as a result people have clicked and arrived here! I hope they like what they read.

It's been a very busy morning here, I've been getting a few recipes onto the site so that when people do actually visit my site there's something for them to see.
Today we have added; truffles, peach cobbler, mini victoria sponge cakes... As well as a couple of family updates and the lovely new corner of my living room.

As I posted in family updates, my sister is in hospital right now and I'm going along to visit her this evening. I want to take some little surprises for her so I'm not going to post them here just yet as it will spoil it. Plus, it'll give me a new recipe to post another day. 

Speaking of other recipes, there are lots that I have written down that I have baked before but not photographed so until I bake them again I don't want to post them. I know I'm kind of a geek but I'm really excited to post more recipes on here for everyone to try. Believe there are lots and I'm always on the lookout for more to try, and also to adapt.

Just you wait until the Christmas season is on fast approach, in fact even Halloween and especially bonfire night. I have a few things that I'm planning and I'll share them with you. In fact, I'll share anything that I make, cook, or bake with you.

Thank you for reading, you don't understand how much it makes my day when people visit me here.
And I love you for it, as cheesy as that sounds.
So thanks again, I'm off to drink my tea and eat my scone.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

Tea and a jam and cream filled scone. Not homemade this time though.

Take Care.Lots of Love,
K x

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