It might just be me but Autumn only seemed to last a few days this year. Winter is most definitely hiding around the corner. I know weather wise that it's miserably wet and blustery but there's no denying the beauty of this time of year.
Copyright Kaye Dooler

Oranges, greens and browns make Autumn so pretty. 


Mini orangey peach roses and lavender. 

There are slippery leafy Autumn dog walks with the husband, Alaska was here somewhere but she darts around so fast it's pretty difficult to catch a picture of her.


And there are cosy candlelit evenings in. 

I like Autumn as it means Winter is on it's way, bringing Christmas with it. I can't wait for Christmas, I have so many planned things to make with the kids - from paperchains to berry decorations. And of course I'll be posting them on here. 

I think I'm gonna go and bake now, something Halloween'y considering that comes first.

Thank you for reading

Lots of Love
K xx

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