Hello, once again I would like to thank you for visiting my website, even if you don't stay long. At the moment the website isn't very easy to find at all so I've been posting links to new posts on my Twitter and Facebook accounts - as a result people have clicked and arrived here! I hope they like what they read.

It's been a very busy morning here, I've been getting a few recipes onto the site so that when people do actually visit my site there's something for them to see.
Today we have added; truffles, peach cobbler, mini victoria sponge cakes... As well as a couple of family updates and the lovely new corner of my living room.

As I posted in family updates, my sister is in hospital right now and I'm going along to visit her this evening. I want to take some little surprises for her so I'm not going to post them here just yet as it will spoil it. Plus, it'll give me a new recipe to post another day. 

Speaking of other recipes, there are lots that I have written down that I have baked before but not photographed so until I bake them again I don't want to post them. I know I'm kind of a geek but I'm really excited to post more recipes on here for everyone to try. Believe there are lots and I'm always on the lookout for more to try, and also to adapt.

Just you wait until the Christmas season is on fast approach, in fact even Halloween and especially bonfire night. I have a few things that I'm planning and I'll share them with you. In fact, I'll share anything that I make, cook, or bake with you.

Thank you for reading, you don't understand how much it makes my day when people visit me here.
And I love you for it, as cheesy as that sounds.
So thanks again, I'm off to drink my tea and eat my scone.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

Tea and a jam and cream filled scone. Not homemade this time though.

Take Care.Lots of Love,
K x

Good morning everyone, I hope the day finds you well.

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the future, both short and long term. Thinking about the things I'd like to be able to do for my children. I wish I were able to give them everything they want, even though I know this isn't good for them. At least this way they know patience and appreciation I guess. Really I suppose I wish I had the option to get them everything, it doesn't mean I actually have to get all things possible. 
The kids have been so bored these summer holidays, with the exception of our holiday. They're looking forward to going back to school because there's nothing to do at home. I've got to admit that I have really missed my car this summer! I can't take them anywhere, there's only one park where we live and although they love it there isn't much to do there. 
Copyright Kaye Dooler

Good times on the only swing at this park.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

But there is a very lovely fishing pond with friendly ducks to throw bread to.

Copyright Kaye Dooler

I wish I could relieve some of the pressure that is upon my husbands shoulders. shown here at a large family Christmas dinner 2010. 

He's a worrier, and this isn't good for him as it causes stress, stress makes him ill and has landed him in hospital before. He has Crohn's Disease you see and it's very unpleasant for him. Not that you'd know it as he never complains. 

I know it's better for me to be at home looking after my children, but I'm only too aware of everything I'm not doing to support our family financially. To do something from home to earn would be ideal.
Ho Hum... we'll survive, this isn't forever. 

Anyhow, this post is supposed to be about my mindless wonderings of late. 

Christmas has been at the front of my mind all week, I absolutely cannot wait. It's my most favourite time of year, especially if it snows. But this year feels different. I haven't been this excited perhaps since I was a child myself. 

Is it because my family is now complete?
Is it because I have no stress from work?
Is it because my little one will be older this year and able to appreciate Christmas?

I have no idea! But I like it. :)

I have lots of craft things lined up to make for Christmas (and Halloween, and Bonfire Night...). And of course I'll be posting pictures on here too, of how to's. I'm so excited. There's lanterns and recipes, and occasion favours and allsorts!! 

I can't wait to how you. I'm literally having to stop myself from making and posting them now.

I hope you'll pop along to see them. 

The children and I have been thinking about what we would buy if we ever won the lottery. I asked Rio, who said 

"I'd buy you a farmhouse Mummy".

I just melted and squeezed him tight, so thoughtful is my big boy. He listens to the things I say more than his father does. When prompted for something he would buy for himself, he replied;
"A Batman castle, a batman watch and a bike"  S'pose that Christmas sorted for him then!

I asked Sophie what she would buy;

"A Barbie, a watch and a me to you bike"  Again, ideas for Christmas.  

I love that my kids aren't greedy (except with sweet treats), it means that they appreciate the things they get when they're not expecting them. Mostly.

Right, I have to go, it's taken me so long to write this post that it's time to start looking for something to cook for dinner and tea. 

Thank you for reading.
 I wish you a lovely day, please come back soon.

Lots of Love
Kaye xoxox

We were recently on holiday (last week) and whilst we were there I purchased a dark wood wall unit. Perfectly normal to do such a thing, surely? My husband was not best pleased, but he seems to like it. It was an absolute steal at £10 plus £10 delivery charge. 

Anyway, the unit arrived here on Tuesday morning and it is a really beautiful piece of furniture. It has 2 large cupboards at each side of base and 2 drawers in the centre. The top half has a pull down cupboard with a shelf above it which now houses my books. There are two stunning glass doors, (one either side of the pull down) with dark wood beading detail, behind those doors are two glass shelves in each cupboard (I would have preferred wooden shelves but hey, for twenty quid.... I love it. I'm hoping to paint it some as yet undecided shade of pale. Cream perhaps? But not all cream, I want to leave certain parts dark as my vision says it will look brilliant against the pale shade. 

Perhaps even a pale grey colour?

I know Farrow and Ball have fantastic shades and an excellent reputation for this kind of work but I'm not sure my budget (husband) will allow me to use it. We shall see, I haven't even really looked into wood paints yet anyway.

But yes, I have a project. I'm in no rush to complete it as yet though. I have plenty to do before then, like decorate the bathroom and kitchen. Before Christmas if possible as I want to be able to have family round for snacks and treats and drinks. 

I absolutely can't wait until Christmas, only 136 sleeps to go. I'm trying to convince my husband to allow me to cook Christmas dinner for everyone but it's an ongoing uphill struggle as he prefers to eat out for this particular occasion. I'm hoping it will swing my way with the money issue being that there is not as much as has been in previous years. I have to practise too of course. I haven't really cooked for lots of people before, ever. Well...I did cook Christmas dinner one year (years ago...) but it was a serious disaster. We didn't even have a complete kitchen, the hob melted the base pan of my steamer. I'm not going to go on. 
I'm more experienced and that experience will never ever be repeated. I want to cook Christmas dinner dammit. I'm feeling festive and can't wait to trim the tree and bask in the glow of the fairy lights.
