It's been so long since I posted an update on here, I've no idea where my time seems to evaporate to lately.

I've got a few things waiting in the wings ready to be posted, it's just finding the time to actually get them on here! I am trying, honestly.

Just lately my days seem to be filled with washing, drying, cooking, cleaning, toddler entertaining... There isn't enough hours in the day. Right at this very moment there are 2 baskets of clean washing in the kitchen waiting to be sorted, folded and put away. But there is also dinner to make. Tea to think of. I'm wanting to cook something lovely for my husband for his tea as he is having to work such long hours lately. I can't remember that last time he did a normal working day, like 9am-5pm. His hours are more like 8am-7pm. He barely see's the kids aside from 5 minutes at breakfast time when the kids are mostly arguing over what they want to eat, which bowl they want and then spilling the cereal all over the worktops because they won't wait for me.
We had a bit of a change in tempo this morning however as we were all calm and ready in plenty of time for the school bus. We even did reading books and spellings, got halfway down the driveway on our way and then I suddenly realised I hadn't made their packed lunches! 

Bad Mummy! 

So they have a thrown together lunch today which I feel really bad about, it's usually the first thing I do when I come downstairs. Their lunch consists of jam sandwiches, a small pot of fromage frais, an apple, a juice carton and a packet of crisps. 

I'm always trying (and repeatedly failing) to be better at things. - I try to be better at juggling being mummy to 3 children with being a wife, a cleaner, and me. I'm not sure I even know the real me now. I've focussed on all these other things for so long that I think I've lost a sense of who I am. I used to take pride in dressing nicely and now I tend to stick to comfy jeans and old tops where it doesn't matter if Corey daubs me in chocolate or ketchup. And with regards to shoes. I probably have 2 or 3 pairs. And one of those is currently a pair of boys black school pumps and they are sooooo comfy. I wish they were grey though. I'm certainly not happy with my appearance. I've allowed myself to put weight on using the excuse of having 3 young children. It makes me sad to think I can't just go and join in with other people. My husband came home from work yesterday and suggested we go to Alton Towers with his friend and his girlfriend. I had to decline as I'm much bigger than this girl and I don't want to be embarrassed by being too big for the rides. I'm almost sure I'm over-reacting but still I think I'm borderline too big for the seats (I'm now a huge 3 sizes bigger than before I had children). I'm trying to change that now because it's not on and I can't keep pretending it isn't an issue.

- I try to be better at organising housework, I fail miserably because when I'm ahead I drop out of the routine that got me ahead if that makes sense?
I always get there in the end but it seems to be a nasty vicious circle and I don't want it to feel like that, I want to enjoy my time at home with my lazy little boy. (Lazy because at 15 months he is still not walking). I don't to be relying on the tv/swing/toys to keep him occupied whilst I get on with the piled up chores.

I think I need to read my FLY Lady book again, her methods are common sense and I should already know them, but I have a thing for books. If you need inspiration or cheering up I believe a book can do that. 
My favourite book of the moment is Donna Hay, Fast Fresh Simple. I've had her same titled tv programme on series link recording every weekend. I love it! In the book there are 160+ recipes that are beautiful to look at and look seemingly easy to create. So many lovely things in there I would highly recommend it.

I want to get more into cooking. I don't know whether I'll ever be good enough to create my own recipes but I guess I won't really know that until I meet a recipe that needs adapting for my family, then in a way it becomes my own. Sorta. 
Speaking of food, I want to do something with chicken breast fillets for my husbands tea. I'll have a browse through the Donna Hay book and maybe even take a trip down to the new Asda store that's opened in South Elmsall, as long as it's calmed down that is as it opened yesterday and was utter chaos in there! Might be safer to just walk to local shop.

Right, Corey the lazybaby has woken up I think and I haven't sorted the washing, decided what he and I are having for dinner, or tea for that matter. I could do with changing all the bedding too. *sigh*.
So I really have to go, I'm sorry I don't have more to offer today but I promise it's here waiting. 

Thank you for reading & Take Care,
Lots of love
K xx